Name, ISIN
Management company
Investment focus
Valuation frequency
Investment region
Legal fund type
Investment company
Legal form
Distribution country
Custodian bank
About us / External Memberships / Membership EFAMA
Membership with EFAMA

The Liechtenstein Investment Fund Association (Germ. Liechtensteinischer Anlagefondsverband, LAFV) is a member of the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), the umbrella organisation of European investment fund associations, to which further 26 national organisations as well as individual companies belong. A list of member states and a link to the international organisations may be found under Links/European Investment Fund Associations. The EFAMA was founded already in the year 1974 under the name FEFSI and includes since 2004, differently from Liechtenstein, asset managers as well.

The EFAMA participates actively in the European legislative process. Further services are the preparation of pan-European statistics, the publication of position papers and reports as well as the observation of political developments on the European level in the area of investment funds.

The Liechtenstein Investment Fund Association participates in the EFAMA and is a member of many committees and working groups as well.