Name, ISIN
Management company
Investment focus
Valuation frequency
Investment region
Legal fund type
Investment company
Legal form
Distribution country
Custodian bank
Legislation / Liechtenstein / FMA Liechtenstein / FMA Liechtenstein
The Financial Market Authority of Liechtenstein

The Financial Market Authority (FMA) of Liechtenstein cares, according to its statutory duties, for guaranteeing stability of the financial market of Liechtenstein, for guaranteeing customer protection, for avoidance of abuse as well as for the implementation and adherence to recognised international standards.

As an integrated financial market supervisory office, the authority supervises banks, insurance institutions, asset management companies, investment fund management companies and further players of the financial market. It supervises the adherence to relevant acts of law and the related passed regulations, as well as the adherence to limitations, and applies the relevant measures as required. When executing its supervisory duties, it works closely with the relevant auditors of the companies or investment funds.

FMA Financial Market Authority of Liechtenstein
Landstrasse 109
Postfach 279
9490 Vaduz

Phone no. +423 236 73 73
Fax no. +423 236 73 74