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Investment company
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Custodian bank
Legislation / Selfregulation / GIPS
GIPS in Liechtenstein


The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are a set of ethical principles used by investment management firms in order to establish a globally standardized, industry-wide approach creating performance presentations that communicate investment results to prospective clients. Based on fair representation and full disclosure of information to investors, the GIPS were created as a voluntary self-regulatory initiative of the global financial industry that are administered by the CFA Institute. For more information on the GIPS Standards, please check out the GIPS Fact Sheet.

Since 2020, the Liechtenstein Investment Fund Association (LAFV) is the official country sponsor (representative office) for GIPS Standards in Liechtenstein. Together with its local GIPS Expert Group, the LBA actively promotes GIPS in Liechtenstein (e.g. Annual GIPS Roundtable), coordinates the position of Liechtenstein users of GIPS on developments and interpretations of the Standards and acts through our official representative, Mr. Konrad Zawisla, LGT Capital Partners (Pfäffikon), as a link to the global GIPS standard-setting bodies and the CFA Institute. At the same time, we closely collaborate with the Swiss country (Swiss Funds & Asset Management Association, SFAMA) and its GIPS Expert Group.

Notification Requirement

Firms claiming compliance with GIPS have to notify the CFA Institute. The purpose of this requirement is to address the expressed requests for more information related to GIPS compliance. The required notification form will collect only limited data, while providing more extensive data is optional. For further information, please see the GIPS Compliance Form and Notification Requirement.


For further information please see also
GIPS Website
GIPS Schweiz (Asset Management Association Switzerland, AMAS)


The LBA initiates an annually Roundtable for GIPS-Experts and people interested in GIPS.