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New active member of LAFV - Xolaris Capital AG

We congratulate Xolaris Capital AG for the admission as AIFM in Liechtenstein.

Xolaris Capital AG is part of the XOLARIS Group. The XOLARIS Group is an independent white label investment company focusing on Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) in the asset classes private equity, real estate, renewable energy and shipping.

With headquarters in Liechtenstein and subsidiaries in Germany, France and Asia, the Xolaris Group is able to cover the entire value chain and provide structuring and execution services for its clients, true to its motto - "Investmentquality - made with passion". 

Our aim is to provide solutions that allow managers of real assets and alternative investments to focus fully on their core competencies, such as idea generation, structuring, management and distribution.
As an independent solution provider, the Xolaris Group offers its clients services within the framework of the current regulatory guidelines and assumes the legally required tasks in compliance with the regulatory requirements.