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MONEYVAL acknowledges Liechtenstein’s progress in improving measures to combat money laundering and financing of terrorism

MONEYVAL published the fifth country report on Liechtenstein on Wednesday June 29, 2022. Liechtenstein performs very well in comparison with the other countries already audited.

The published report comprehensively assesses the extent to which the country meets the international standards set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF).

MONEYVAL acknowledges Liechtenstein's progress and encourages the country to further intensify measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.

In addition, MONEYVAL commends Liechtenstein for having a comprehensive and convergent understanding of its key anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism risks. 

Finally, the report concludes that despite some procedural limitations, Liechtenstein provides timely and constructive assistance with all requests for international cooperation, including mutual legal assistance.

Due to the positive report, Liechtenstein is subjected to the regular MONEYVAL reporting process and is thus one of only five member countries with this result.